►Nassessor | |
Cstate_assessor_entry_t | |
Cstate_assessor_pipeline_t | |
►Nazerite | |
►Nazerite_essences | |
Canima_of_death_t | |
Cblood_of_the_enemy_t | |
►Cconcentrated_flame_t | |
Cburn_t | |
Cmissile_t | |
Cconflict_t | |
Cfocused_azerite_beam_t | |
Cfocused_azerite_beam_tick_t | |
►Cguardian_of_azeroth_t | Condensed Life-Force Major Power: Guardian of Azeroth Summoning spell id=300091 Summon buff on player id=295840 Stacking haste buff from R3 id=295855 Guardian standard cast id=295856 standard damage is id=302555 standard amount is r1 minor base (id=295834) Guardian volley cast is id=303347 volley damage is id=303351 volley amount is r2 major upgrade (id=295841) Shard debuff on target id=295838 |
►Cguardian_of_azeroth_pet_t | |
Cazerite_spike_t | |
Cazerite_volley_tick_t | |
Clifeblood_shard_t | |
Cmemory_of_lucid_dreams_t | |
►Cpurifying_blast_t | |
Cpurifying_blast_tick_t | |
Creaping_flames_t | |
Cresolute_courage_t | |
Cripple_in_space_t | |
►Cthe_unbound_force_t | |
Cthe_unbound_force_tick_t | |
Cworldvein_resonance_buff_t | |
Cworldvein_resonance_t | |
►Nspecial_effects | |
Creorigination_array_buff_t | |
Cazerite_essence_state_t | |
Cazerite_state_t | A state class that holds the composite of all azerite-related state an actor has |
►Nbfa | |
►Ncache | |
Ccache_control_t | |
►Nchrono | |
Ccpu_clock | |
Cthread_clock | |
►NCocoaInitializer | |
CPrivate | |
►Ncolor | |
Crgb | |
►Ncovenant | |
Ccovenant_ability_cast_cb_t | |
Ccovenant_cb_base_t | |
Ccovenant_state_t | |
Cfleshcraft_t | |
►Ndbc | |
Cfiltered_dbc_index_t | |
►Ndetail | |
►Ndragonbox | |
Ccache_accessor | |
Ccache_accessor< double > | |
Ccache_accessor< float > | |
Cdivtest_table_entry | |
Caccumulator | |
Cbasic_data | |
Cbasic_impl_data | |
Cbigint | |
Cbits | |
Ccodecvt_result | |
Ccompiled_string | |
Cconditional_helper | |
►Ccounting_iterator | |
Cvalue_type | |
Cdynamic_arg_list | |
Cfallback_formatter< T, Char, enable_if_t< is_streamable< T, Char >::value > > | |
Cfallback_uintptr | |
Cfind_escape_result | |
Cformatbuf | |
Cfp | |
Cgen_digits_handler | |
Chas_const_begin_end | |
Chas_const_begin_end< T, void_t< decltype(detail::range_begin(std::declval< const remove_cvref_t< T > & >())), decltype(detail::range_end(std::declval< const remove_cvref_t< T > & >()))> > | |
Chas_member_fn_begin_end_t | |
Chas_member_fn_begin_end_t< T, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().begin()), decltype(std::declval< T >().end())> > | |
Chas_mutable_begin_end | |
Chas_mutable_begin_end< T, void_t< decltype(detail::range_begin(std::declval< T >())), decltype(detail::range_end(std::declval< T >())), enable_if_t< std::is_copy_constructible< T >::value > > > | |
Cimpl_data | |
Cinteger_sequence | |
Cis_compiled_string | |
Cis_map | |
Cis_range_ | |
Cis_range_< T, void > | |
Cis_reference_wrapper | |
Cis_reference_wrapper< std::reference_wrapper< T > > | |
Cis_set | |
Cis_std_string_like | |
Cis_std_string_like< fmt::basic_string_view< Char > > | |
Cis_streamable | |
Cis_streamable< T, Char, enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic< T >::value||std::is_array< T >::value||std::is_pointer< T >::value||std::is_same< T, char8_type >::value||std::is_same< T, std::basic_string< Char > >::value||std::is_same< T, std_string_view< Char > >::value||(std::is_convertible< T, int >::value &&!std::is_enum< T >::value)> > | |
Cis_tuple_like_ | |
Cmake_integer_sequence | |
Cmake_integer_sequence< T, 0, Ns... > | |
Cnull | |
Csingleton | |
Ctruncating_iterator | |
Ctruncating_iterator< OutputIt, std::false_type > | |
Ctruncating_iterator< OutputIt, std::true_type > | |
Ctruncating_iterator_base | |
Cuint128_wrapper | |
►Ndragonbox | |
Cdecimal_fp | |
Cfloat_info | |
Cfloat_info< double > | |
Cfloat_info< float > | |
►Nenchant | |
Cenchant_db_item_t | |
►Nexpression | |
Cexpr_token_t | |
►Nfmt | |
Cformatter< color::rgb > | |
Cformatter< T, char, std::enable_if_t<::util::fmt_detail::has_format_to< T >::value > > | Generic fmt::formatter that supports any type T that has adl-discoverable sc_format_to( const T&, fmt::format_context::iterator ) overload |
►Nhighchart | |
Cbar_chart_t | |
Cchart_t | |
Cdata_triple_t | |
Chistogram_chart_t | |
Cpie_chart_t | |
Ctime_series_t | |
►Nhotfix | |
►Cclient_hotfix_entry_t | |
Cflags_value_t | |
Cvalue_t | |
Cdbc_hotfix_entry_t | |
Ceffect_hotfix_entry_t | |
Chotfix_entry_t | |
Cpower_hotfix_entry_t | |
Cspell_hotfix_entry_t | |
►Nhttp | |
Chttp_connection_pool_t | |
Chttp_handle_t | |
Cproxy_t | |
►Ninternal | |
CBigInteger | |
CDecodedStream | |
CDiyFp | |
CDouble | |
CGenericRegex | Regular expression engine with subset of ECMAscript grammar |
CGenericRegexSearch | |
CHasher | |
CISchemaStateFactory | |
CISchemaValidator | |
CIsGenericValue | |
CIsGenericValueImpl | |
CIsGenericValueImpl< T, typename Void< typename T::EncodingType >::Type, typename Void< typename T::AllocatorType >::Type > | |
CIsRefCounted | |
CIsRefCounted< T, typename internal::EnableIfCond< T::kRefCounted >::Type > | |
CIValidationErrorHandler | |
CSchema | |
CSchemaValidationContext | |
CStack | A type-unsafe stack for storing different types of data |
CStreamLocalCopy | |
CStreamLocalCopy< Stream, 0 > | Keep reference |
CStreamLocalCopy< Stream, 1 > | Do copy optimization |
CTokenHelper | |
CTokenHelper< Stack, char > | |
CTypeHelper | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, bool > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, const typename ValueType::Ch * > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, double > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, float > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, int > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, int64_t > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::Array > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::ConstArray > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::ConstObject > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, typename ValueType::Object > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, uint64_t > | |
CTypeHelper< ValueType, unsigned > | |
►Nio | |
►Ccfile | |
Cno_close | |
Cifstream | |
Cofstream | |
Cutf8_args | |
►Nitem_database | |
Ctoken_t | |
►Njs | |
CJsonOutput | |
Csc_js_t | |
►Nlegion | |
►Nmonk | |
►Nactions | |
►Nabsorbs | |
►Ccelestial_brew_t | |
Ccelestial_brew_t_state_t | |
Clife_cocoon_t | |
Cspecial_delivery_t | |
►Nattacks | |
Cauto_attack_t | |
Cblackout_kick_t | |
Cblackout_kick_totm_proc | |
Ccharred_passions_t | |
Cchi_explosion_t | |
Ceye_of_the_tiger_dmg_tick_t | |
Ceye_of_the_tiger_heal_tick_t | |
Cfist_of_the_white_tiger_main_hand_t | |
Cfist_of_the_white_tiger_t | |
Cfists_of_fury_t | |
Cfists_of_fury_tick_t | |
Cflying_serpent_kick_t | |
Ckeg_of_the_heavens_heal_t | |
Ckeg_smash_t | |
Cleg_sweep_t | |
Cmelee_t | |
Cmonk_melee_attack_t | |
Cparalysis_t | |
Cprovoke_t | |
Crising_sun_kick_dmg_t | |
Crising_sun_kick_t | |
Crjw_tick_action_t | |
Crushing_jade_wind_t | |
Csck_tick_action_t | |
Cspear_hand_strike_t | |
►Cspinning_crane_kick_t | |
Cspinning_crane_kick_state_t | |
Ctiger_palm_t | |
Ctouch_of_death_t | |
Ctouch_of_karma_dot_t | |
Ctouch_of_karma_t | |
►Cwhirling_dragon_punch_t | |
Cwhirling_dragon_punch_state_t | |
Cwhirling_dragon_punch_tick_event_t | |
Cwhirling_dragon_punch_tick_t | |
Cwindwalking_aura_t | |
►Nheals | |
Ccelestial_fortune_t | |
Cchi_burst_damage_t | |
Cchi_burst_heal_t | |
Cchi_burst_t | |
Cchi_wave_dmg_tick_t | |
Cchi_wave_heal_tick_t | |
Cchi_wave_t | |
Cenveloping_mist_t | |
►Cessence_font_t | |
Cessence_font_heal_t | |
Cevasive_stride_t | |
Cexpel_harm_dmg_t | |
Cexpel_harm_t | |
Cgift_of_the_ox_expire_t | |
Cgift_of_the_ox_t | |
Cgift_of_the_ox_trigger_t | |
Cgust_of_mists_t | |
Chealing_elixir_t | |
Cniuzaos_blessing_t | |
Crefreshing_jade_wind_heal_t | |
Crefreshing_jade_wind_t | |
Crenewing_mist_t | |
Crevival_t | |
Csoothing_mist_t | |
Cvivify_t | |
Czen_pulse_dmg_t | |
Czen_pulse_heal_t | |
Czen_pulse_t | |
►Npet_summon | |
Cstorm_earth_and_fire_fixate_t | |
Cstorm_earth_and_fire_t | |
Csummon_pet_t | |
►Nspells | |
Cblack_ox_brew_t | |
Cbonedust_brew_damage_t | |
Cbonedust_brew_heal_t | |
Cbonedust_brew_t | |
Cbountiful_brew_t | |
Cbreath_of_fire_dot_t | |
Cbreath_of_fire_t | |
Ccall_to_arms_empowered_tiger_lightning_t | |
Cchi_torpedo_t | |
Cchiji_spell_t | |
Ccrackling_jade_lightning_t | |
Cdampen_harm_t | |
Cdiffuse_magic_t | |
Cempowered_tiger_lightning_t | |
Cenergizing_elixir_t | |
Cexploding_keg_t | |
Cfaeline_stomp_damage_t | |
Cfaeline_stomp_heal_t | |
Cfaeline_stomp_t | |
Cfaeline_stomp_ww_damage_t | |
►Cfallen_order_t | |
Cfallen_order_event_t | |
Cfortifying_brew_t | |
Cfortifying_ingredients_t | |
Cmana_tea_t | |
Cniuzao_spell_t | |
Cpurifying_brew_t | |
Croll_t | |
Cserenity_t | |
Cspecial_delivery_t | |
Cstagger_self_damage_t | |
Cthunder_focus_tea_t | |
Cweapons_of_order_t | |
Cxuen_spell_t | |
Cyulon_spell_t | |
Cmonk_absorb_t | |
Cmonk_action_t | |
Cmonk_heal_t | |
Cmonk_snapshot_stats_t | |
Cmonk_spell_t | |
►Nbuffs | |
Ccall_to_arms_xuen_buff_t | |
Cfortifying_brew_t | |
Cgift_of_the_ox_buff_t | |
Cinvoke_xuen_the_white_tiger_buff_t | |
Ckeg_of_the_heavens_buff_t | |
Cmonk_buff_t | |
Cprimordial_potential_buff_t | |
Cprimordial_power_buff_t | |
Cpurifying_buff_t | |
Crushing_jade_wind_buff_t | |
Cserenity_buff_t | |
Cstagger_buff_t | |
Ctouch_of_death_ww_buff_t | |
Ctouch_of_karma_buff_t | |
Cwindwalking_driver_t | |
►Npets | |
►Nbuffs | |
Cmonk_pet_buff_t | |
Cprimordial_power_buff_t | |
Ccall_to_arms_niuzao_pet_t | |
Ccall_to_arms_xuen_pet_t | |
Cchiji_pet_t | |
►Ccrane_adept_pet_t | |
Ccrane_adept_enveloping_mist_t | |
Ccrane_adept_soothing_mist_t | |
Cmonk_pet_t | |
Cniuzao_pet_t | |
►Cox_adept_pet_t | |
►Cox_adept_breath_of_fire_t | |
Cox_adept_breath_of_fire_tick_t | |
Cox_adept_clash_t | |
Cox_adept_fallen_brew_t | |
Cox_adept_keg_smash_t | |
Cpet_absorb_t | |
Cpet_action_base_t | |
Cpet_auto_attack_t | |
Cpet_heal_t | |
Cpet_melee_attack_t | |
Cpet_melee_t | |
Cpet_spell_t | |
►Csinister_teaching_crane_adept_pet_t | |
Csinister_teaching_crane_adept_enveloping_mist_t | |
Csinister_teaching_crane_adept_soothing_mist_t | |
►Csinister_teaching_ox_adept_pet_t | |
►Csinister_teaching_ox_adept_breath_of_fire_t | |
Csinister_teaching_ox_adept_breath_of_fire_tick_t | |
Csinister_teaching_ox_adept_clash_t | |
Csinister_teaching_ox_adept_fallen_brew_t | |
Csinister_teaching_ox_adept_keg_smash_t | |
►Csinister_teaching_tiger_adept_pet_t | |
Csinister_teaching_tiger_adept_fists_of_fury_t | |
Csinister_teaching_tiger_adept_fists_of_fury_tick_t | |
Csinister_teaching_tiger_adept_spinning_crane_kick_t | |
Csinister_teaching_tiger_adept_spinning_crane_kick_tick_t | |
Csinister_teaching_tiger_adept_tiger_palm_t | |
►Cstorm_earth_and_fire_pet_t | |
Cauto_attack_t | |
Cmelee_t | |
Csef_action_base_t | |
Csef_blackout_kick_t | |
Csef_chi_explosion_t | |
Csef_chi_wave_damage_t | |
Csef_chi_wave_t | |
Csef_crackling_jade_lightning_t | |
Csef_fist_of_the_white_tiger_oh_t | |
Csef_fist_of_the_white_tiger_t | |
Csef_fists_of_fury_t | |
Csef_fists_of_fury_tick_t | |
Csef_melee_attack_t | |
Csef_rising_sun_kick_dmg_t | |
Csef_rising_sun_kick_t | |
Csef_rushing_jade_wind_t | |
Csef_rushing_jade_wind_tick_t | |
Csef_spell_t | |
Csef_spinning_crane_kick_t | |
Csef_spinning_crane_kick_tick_t | |
Csef_tick_action_t | |
Csef_tiger_palm_t | |
►Csef_whirling_dragon_punch_t | |
Csef_whirling_dragon_punch_tick_event_t | |
Csef_whirling_dragon_punch_tick_t | |
►Ctiger_adept_pet_t | |
Ctiger_adept_fists_of_fury_t | |
Ctiger_adept_fists_of_fury_tick_t | |
Ctiger_adept_spinning_crane_kick_t | |
Ctiger_adept_spinning_crane_kick_tick_t | |
Ctiger_adept_tiger_palm_t | |
Cxuen_pet_t | |
Cyulon_pet_t | |
Cmonk_module_t | |
Cmonk_report_t | |
►Cmonk_t | |
Cactive_actions_t | |
Cbuffs_t | |
Cconduit_t | |
Ccooldowns_t | |
Ccovenant_t | |
Cgains_t | |
Clegendary_t | |
Cmastery_spells_t | |
Coptions_t | |
Cpassives_t | |
Cpets_t | |
Cprocs_t | |
Crppms_t | |
Csample_data_t | |
Cspecs_t | |
Cstagger_tick_entry_t | |
Ctalents_t | |
Cmonk_td_t | |
Csef_despawn_cb_t | |
►Npaladin | |
►Nbuffs | |
Cavenging_wrath_buff_t | |
Cblessing_of_autumn_t | |
Cblessing_of_sacrifice_t | |
Ccrusade_buff_t | |
Cexecution_sentence_debuff_t | |
Cforbearance_t | |
Cshield_of_vengeance_buff_t | |
Cardent_defender_t | |
Cashen_hallow_heal_tick_t | |
Cashen_hallow_t | |
Cashen_hallow_tick_t | |
Cauto_melee_attack_t | |
Cavengers_shield_base_t | |
Cavengers_shield_dr_t | |
Cavengers_shield_dt_t | |
Cavengers_shield_t | |
Cavenging_crusader_t | |
Cavenging_wrath_t | |
Cbeacon_of_light_heal_t | |
Cbeacon_of_light_t | |
►Cblade_of_justice_t | |
Cazerite_expurgation_t | |
Cexpurgation_t | |
Cblessed_hammer_t | |
Cblessed_hammer_tick_t | |
Cblessing_of_autumn_t | |
Cblessing_of_protection_t | |
Cblessing_of_sacrifice_redirect_t | |
Cblessing_of_sacrifice_t | |
Cblessing_of_spellwarding_t | |
Cblessing_of_spring_t | |
Cblessing_of_summer_proc_t | |
Cblessing_of_summer_t | |
Cblessing_of_the_seasons_t | |
Cblessing_of_winter_proc_t | |
Cblessing_of_winter_t | |
Cblinding_light_t | |
Ccancel_ashen_hallow_t | |
Cconsecration_t | |
Cconsecration_tick_t | |
Ccrusade_t | |
Ccrusader_strike_t | |
Cdevotion_aura_t | |
Cdivine_protection_t | |
Cdivine_shield_t | |
Cdivine_steed_t | |
Cdivine_storm_t | |
Cdivine_toll_t | |
Cechoed_spell_event_t | |
Cexecution_sentence_t | |
Cfinal_reckoning_t | |
Cflash_of_light_t | |
Cgolden_path_t | |
Cguardian_of_ancient_kings_t | |
Challowed_discernment_heal_tick_t | |
Challowed_discernment_tick_t | |
Chammer_of_justice_t | |
Chammer_of_the_righteous_aoe_t | |
Chammer_of_the_righteous_t | |
Chammer_of_wrath_t | |
Chand_of_reckoning_t | |
Choly_avenger_t | |
Choly_light_t | |
Choly_power_consumer_t | |
Choly_prism_aoe_damage_t | |
Choly_prism_aoe_heal_t | |
Choly_prism_damage_t | |
Choly_prism_heal_t | |
Choly_prism_t | |
Choly_shield_damage_t | |
Choly_shock_damage_t | |
Choly_shock_heal_t | |
Choly_shock_t | |
Cinner_light_damage_t | |
Cjudgment_holy_t | |
Cjudgment_of_light_proc_t | |
Cjudgment_prot_t | |
Cjudgment_ret_t | |
Cjudgment_t | |
Cjusticars_vengeance_t | |
Clay_on_hands_t | |
Clight_of_dawn_t | |
Clights_decree_t | |
Clights_hammer_damage_tick_t | |
Clights_hammer_heal_tick_t | |
Clights_hammer_t | |
Cmelee_t | |
Cmoment_of_glory_t | |
Cpaladin_absorb_t | |
►Cpaladin_action_t | |
Caffected_by_t | |
Cpaladin_aura_base_t | |
Cpaladin_heal_t | |
Cpaladin_melee_attack_t | |
Cpaladin_module_t | |
Cpaladin_report_t | |
Cpaladin_spell_base_t | |
Cpaladin_spell_t | |
►Cpaladin_t | |
Cactive_spells_t | |
Cazerite_t | |
Cbuffs_t | |
Cconduits_t | |
Cconvenants_t | |
Ccooldowns_t | |
Cgains_t | |
Clegendaries_t | |
Cmastery_t | |
Coptions_t | |
Cpassives_t | |
Cprocs_t | |
Cspec_t | |
Cspells_t | |
Ctalents_t | |
Ctier_sets_t | |
►Cpaladin_td_t | |
Cbuffs_t | |
Cdots_t | |
Crebuke_t | |
Creckoning_t | |
Crighteous_might_t | |
Csanctified_wrath_t | |
Cseraphim_t | |
Cshield_of_the_righteous_buff_t | |
Cshield_of_the_righteous_t | |
Cshield_of_vengeance_proc_t | |
Cshield_of_vengeance_t | |
Ct28_4p_prot_t | |
►Ctemplars_verdict_t | |
Cechoed_templars_verdict_t | |
Ctemplars_verdict_damage_t | |
Cvanquishers_hammer_t | |
Cvirtuous_command_t | |
►Cwake_of_ashes_t | |
Ctruths_wake_t | |
Cword_of_glory_t | |
Czeal_t | |
►Npeg | |
Caction< build > | |
Caction< caret > | |
Caction< hyphen > | |
Caction< partial > | |
Caction< partial_major > | |
Caction< partial_minor > | |
Caction< partial_patch > | |
Caction< primitive > | |
Caction< primitive_op_eq > | |
Caction< primitive_op_gt > | |
Caction< primitive_op_gte > | |
Caction< primitive_op_lt > | |
Caction< primitive_op_lte > | |
Caction< range > | |
Caction< range_set > | |
Caction< simple > | |
Caction< tilde > | |
Cany_space | |
Cbuild | |
Ccaret | |
Cnr | |
Cpart | |
Cpartial | |
Cpartial_major | |
Cpartial_minor | |
Cpartial_patch | |
Cparts | |
Cpre | |
Cprimitive_op_gt | |
Cprimitive_op_lte | |
Cqualifier | |
Csome_space | |
Ctilde | |
Cxr | |
►Npriestspace | |
►Nactions | |
►Nheals | |
Cdesperate_prayer_t | |
Cpower_word_shield_t | |
►Nspells | |
Cangelic_feather_t | |
Capotheosis_t | |
Cascended_blast_heal_t | |
Cascended_blast_t | |
Cascended_eruption_heal_t | |
Cascended_eruption_t | |
Cascended_nova_heal_t | |
Cascended_nova_t | |
Cboon_of_the_ascended_t | |
Cdamnation_t | |
Cdevouring_plague_dot_state_t | |
►Cdevouring_plague_t | |
Cdevouring_plague_heal_t | |
Cdispersion_t | |
Cdivine_star_base_t | Divine Star Base Spell, used for both heal and damage spell |
Cdivine_star_t | |
Ceternal_call_to_the_void_t | |
Cfade_t | |
Cfae_guardians_t | |
Cflash_heal_t | |
Chalo_base_t | Halo Base Spell, used for both damage and heal spell |
Chalo_t | |
Choly_fire_base_t | Holy Fire Base Spell, used for both Holy Fire and its overriding spell Purge the Wicked |
Choly_fire_t | |
Choly_heal_t | |
Choly_nova_t | |
Choly_word_chastise_t | |
Choly_word_serenity_t | |
Clevitate_t | |
Cmind_blast_t | |
Cmind_bomb_t | |
Cmind_flay_t | |
Cmind_sear_t | |
Cmind_sear_tick_t | |
Cmindgames_damage_reversal_t | |
Cmindgames_healing_reversal_t | |
Cmindgames_t | |
Cpain_suppression_t | |
Cpainbreaker_psalm_t | |
►Cpenance_t | Penance damage spell |
Cpenance_tick_t | |
Cpower_infusion_t | |
Cpower_word_fortitude_t | |
Cpower_word_solace_t | |
Cpsychic_horror_t | |
Cpsychic_link_t | |
►Cpurge_the_wicked_t | |
Cpurge_the_wicked_dot_t | |
Crenew_t | |
Cschism_t | |
Csearing_nightmare_t | |
Cshadow_covenant_t | |
Cshadow_crash_damage_t | |
Cshadow_crash_t | |
Cshadow_mend_t | |
Cshadow_weaving_t | |
Cshadow_word_death_self_damage_t | |
Cshadow_word_death_t | |
Cshadow_word_pain_t | |
Cshadowform_t | |
Cshadowy_apparition_damage_t | |
Cshadowy_apparition_spell_t | |
Csilence_t | |
Csmite_t | |
Cspirit_shell_t | |
Csummon_mindbender_t | |
Csummon_pet_t | Priest Pet Summon Base Spell |
Csummon_shadowfiend_t | |
Csurrender_to_madness_t | |
Cunfurling_darkness_t | |
Cunholy_nova_healing_t | |
Cunholy_nova_t | |
Cunholy_transfusion_healing_t | |
Cunholy_transfusion_t | |
Cvampiric_embrace_t | |
►Cvampiric_touch_t | |
Cvampiric_touch_heal_t | |
►Cvoid_bolt_t | |
Cvoid_bolt_extension_t | |
Cvoid_eruption_damage_t | |
Cvoid_eruption_stm_damage_t | |
Cvoid_eruption_t | |
Cvoid_torrent_t | |
Cwrathful_faerie_fermata_t | |
Cwrathful_faerie_t | |
Cpriest_absorb_t | |
Cpriest_action_t | Priest action base class |
Cpriest_heal_t | |
Cpriest_spell_t | |
►Nbuffs | |
Cancient_madness_t | |
Cbenevolent_faerie_t | |
Cboon_of_the_ascended_t | |
Cdark_thought_t | |
Cdeath_and_madness_buff_t | |
Cdeath_and_madness_debuff_t | |
Cdesperate_prayer_t | |
Cdispersion_t | |
Cfae_guardians_t | |
Cpriest_buff_t | This is a template for common code between priest buffs |
Crigor_mortis_t | |
Cshadowform_state_t | |
Cshadowform_t | |
Csurrender_to_madness_debuff_t | |
Cvoidform_t | |
Cpriest_module_t | |
►Cpriest_t | Priest class definition Derived from player_t |
Cpriest_pets_t | |
Crealppm_t | |
►Cpriest_td_t | Priest target data Contains target specific things |
Cbuffs_t | |
Cdots_t | |
►Nprofileset | |
Cprofile_output_data_item_t | |
Cprofile_output_data_t | |
Cprofile_result_t | |
Cprofile_set_t | |
Cprofilesets_t | |
Cstatistical_data_t | |
Cworker_t | |
►Nrange | |
►Ndetail | |
Cbegin_ | |
Cend_ | |
Cidentity | |
►Nrapidjson | Main RapidJSON namespace |
CAllocator | Concept for allocating, resizing and freeing memory block |
CEncoding | Concept for encoding of Unicode characters |
CHandler | Concept for receiving events from GenericReader upon parsing. The functions return true if no error occurs. If they return false, the event publisher should terminate the process |
CStream | Concept for reading and writing characters |
►Nrapidxml | |
Cmemory_pool | This class is used by the parser to create new nodes and attributes, without overheads of dynamic memory allocation |
Cparse_error | Parse error exception |
Cxml_attribute | Class representing attribute node of XML document |
Cxml_base | Base class for xml_node and xml_attribute implementing common functions: name(), name_size(), value(), value_size() and parent() |
Cxml_document | This class represents root of the DOM hierarchy |
Cxml_node | Class representing a node of XML document |
►Nreport | |
►Njson | |
Creport_configuration_t | |
►Nresidual_action | |
Cresidual_periodic_action_t | |
Cresidual_periodic_state_t | |
►Nrng | Random number generation |
Cbasic_rng_t | Random number generator wrapper around an rng engine |
Crng_t | |
Cxorshift1024_t | XORSHIFT-1024 Random Number Generator |
Cxorshift128_t | RNG Engines |
Cxoshiro256plus_t | Xoshiro256+ Random Number Generator |
►Nsemver | |
►Csemantic | |
Cboundary | |
Cinterval | Default interval is *.*.* := [min, max] |
Cinterval_set | Interval set (i.e. OR conjunction ) |
Csemver_error | |
►Csyntax | |
Crange | Intersection set (i.e |
Crange_set | Union set (i.e. OR conjunction ) |
Csimple | Any type of 'simple', 'primitive', 'partial', 'tilde' or 'caret' from the grammar |
Cxnumber | Integer or wildcard |
►Nsimc | |
Ctimespan_t | Class for representing InGame time |
►NSparkleAutoUpdater | |
CPrivate | |
►Nspawner | |
Cbase_actor_spawner_t | |
Cpet_spawner_t | A wrapper object to enable dynamic pet spawns in simulationcraft |
►Nstd | |
Ctuple_element< I, TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME::span< ElementType, Extent > > | |
Ctuple_size< TCB_SPAN_NAMESPACE_NAME::span< ElementType, Extent > > | |
►Ndetail | |
Chas_size_and_data | |
Chas_size_and_data< T, void_t< decltype(detail::size(std::declval< T >())), decltype(detail::data(std::declval< T >()))> > | |
Cis_complete | |
Cis_complete< T, decltype(sizeof(T))> | |
Cis_container | |
Cis_container_element_type_compatible | |
Cis_container_element_type_compatible< T, E, typename std::enable_if< !std::is_same< typename std::remove_cv< decltype(detail::data(std::declval< T >()))>::type, void >::value >::type > | |
Cis_span | |
Cis_span< span< T, S > > | |
Cis_std_array | |
Cis_std_array< std::array< T, N > > | |
Cspan_storage | |
Cspan_storage< E, dynamic_extent > | |
Cspan | |
►Nunique_gear | |
►Nshadowlands | |
►Nconsumables | |
CSL_potion_proc_t | |
►Nitems | |
Cantumbra_swap_t | |
Cbreak_chains_of_domination_t | |
Cchains_of_domination_cb_t | |
Csingularity_supreme_t | |
CSL_darkmoon_deck_proc_t | |
CSL_darkmoon_deck_t | |
Cshadowlands_aoe_proc_t | |
CSL_buff_t | |
CSL_proc_spell_t | |
Cbase_generic_aoe_proc_t | |
Cbase_generic_proc_t | |
Cclass_buff_cb_t | |
Cclass_scoped_callback_t | |
Cproc_action_t | |
Cproc_attack_t | |
Cproc_heal_t | |
Cproc_resource_t | |
Cproc_spell_t | |
Cscoped_action_callback_t | |
Cscoped_actor_callback_t | |
Cscoped_buff_callback_t | |
►Nutf8 | |
►Nunchecked | |
Citerator | |
Cexception | |
Cinvalid_code_point | |
Cinvalid_utf16 | |
Cinvalid_utf8 | |
Citerator | |
Cnot_enough_room | |
►Nutil | Defines various utility, string and enum <-> string translation functions |
►Ndetail | |
Cdummy | |
Cless | |
Cstatic_set_base | |
Cstatic_set_base< T, 0 > | |
Cstatic_set_view_base | |
►Nfmt_detail | |
Chas_format_to | |
Chas_format_to< T, std::void_t< decltype(sc_format_to(std::declval< const T & >(), std::declval<::fmt::format_context::iterator >())) > > | |
Cbump_ptr_allocator_t | |
Cstatic_map | |
Cstatic_map_view | |
Cstatic_set | |
Cstatic_set_view | |
►Nwarlock | |
►Nactions | |
Ccorruption_t | |
Cdecimating_bolt_dmg_t | |
Cdecimating_bolt_t | |
Cdemonic_synergy_callback_t | |
►Cdrain_life_t | |
Cdrain_life_dot_t | |
Cgrimoire_of_sacrifice_damage_t | |
Cgrimoire_of_sacrifice_t | |
Cimp_delay_event_t | |
►Cimpending_catastrophe_t | |
Cimpending_catastrophe_dot_t | |
Cimpending_catastrophe_impact_t | |
Cinterrupt_t | |
Csc_event_t | |
Cscouring_tithe_t | |
Csoul_rot_t | |
Csummon_main_pet_t | |
Csummon_pet_t | |
Cwarlock_heal_t | |
Cwarlock_spell_t | |
►Nactions_affliction | |
Caffliction_spell_t | |
Cagony_t | |
Ccorruption_t | |
Cdark_soul_t | |
Cdeliberate_corruption_t | |
Cdrain_soul_t | |
Chaunt_t | |
►Cmalefic_rapture_t | |
Cmalefic_rapture_damage_instance_t | |
Cphantom_singularity_t | |
Cphantom_singularity_tick_t | |
►Cseed_of_corruption_t | |
Cseed_of_corruption_aoe_t | |
Cshadow_bolt_t | |
Csiphon_life_t | |
Csummon_darkglare_t | |
Cunstable_affliction_t | |
Cvile_taint_t | |
►Nactions_demonology | |
►Cbilescourge_bombers_t | |
Cbilescourge_bombers_tick_t | |
Ccall_dreadstalkers_t | |
Cdemonbolt_t | |
Cdemonic_strength_t | |
Cdemonology_spell_t | |
Cdoom_t | |
Cgrimoire_felguard_t | |
►Chand_of_guldan_t | |
Chog_impact_t | |
►Cimplosion_t | |
Cimplosion_aoe_t | |
Cnether_portal_t | |
Cpower_siphon_t | |
Cshadow_bolt_t | |
Csoul_strike_t | |
Csummon_demonic_tyrant_t | |
Csummon_random_demon_t | |
Csummon_vilefiend_t | |
►Nactions_destruction | |
Ccataclysm_t | |
Cchannel_demonfire_t | |
Cchannel_demonfire_tick_t | |
Cchaos_bolt_t | |
Cconflagrate_t | |
Cdark_soul_instability_t | |
Cdestruction_spell_t | |
Chavoc_t | |
Cimmolate_t | |
Cincinerate_fnb_t | |
Cincinerate_t | |
Cinfernal_awakening_t | |
Cinternal_combustion_t | |
►Crain_of_fire_t | |
Crain_of_fire_tick_t | |
Cshadowburn_t | |
Csoul_fire_t | |
Csummon_infernal_t | |
►Nbuffs | |
Cwarlock_buff_t | |
►Npets | |
►Naffliction | |
Cdark_glare_t | |
Cdarkglare_t | |
►Nbase | |
Cconsuming_shadows_t | |
Cfelhunter_pet_t | |
Cimp_pet_t | |
Csayaad_pet_t | |
Cspell_lock_t | |
Cvoidwalker_pet_t | |
Cwhiplash_t | |
►Ndemonology | |
►Nrandom_demons | Demonic Tyrant End |
Cbilescourge_t | |
Cdarkhound_t | |
Cdemon_fangs_t | |
►Cdouble_breath_t | |
Cdouble_breath_damage_t | |
Ceye_of_guldan_t | |
Ceyes_of_guldan_t | |
Cfel_bite_t | |
Cillidari_satyr_t | |
Cmany_faced_bite_t | |
►Cmulti_slash_t | |
Cmulti_slash_damage_t | |
Coverhead_assault_t | |
Cprince_malchezaar_t | |
Cshadow_slash_t | |
Cshivarra_t | |
Curzul_t | |
Cvicious_hellhound_t | |
Cvoid_terror_t | |
Cwrathguard_t | |
Caxe_toss_t | |
Cbile_spit_t | |
Cdemonfire_t | |
Cdemonic_strength_t | |
Cdemonic_tyrant_t | |
Cdreadbite_t | |
Cdreadstalker_melee_t | |
Cdreadstalker_t | |
Cfel_firebolt_t | |
Cfelguard_pet_t | |
►Cfelstorm_t | |
Cfelstorm_tick_t | |
Cgrimoire_felguard_pet_t | |
Cheadbutt_t | |
Clegion_strike_t | |
Cmalicious_imp_pet_t | |
Csoul_strike_t | |
Cspite_t | |
Cvilefiend_t | |
Cwild_imp_pet_t | |
►Ndestruction | |
Cblasphemous_existence_t | |
Cblasphemy_t | |
Cimmolation_tick_t | |
Cinfernal_melee_t | |
Cinfernal_t | |
Cwarlock_pet_action_t | |
Cwarlock_pet_melee_attack_t | |
Cwarlock_pet_melee_t | |
Cwarlock_pet_spell_t | |
Cwarlock_simple_pet_t | A simple warlock pet that has a potential melee attack, and a single on-cooldown special ability that it uses on cooldown |
Cwarlock_module_t | |
►Cwarlock_pet_t | |
Cbuffs_t | |
Ctravel_t | |
Cwarlock_pet_td_t | |
►Cwarlock_t | |
Cactive_t | |
Cbuffs_t | |
Cconduit_t | |
Ccooldowns_t | |
Ccovenant_t | |
Cgains_t | |
Clegendary_t | |
Cmastery_spells_t | |
Cpets_t | |
Cprocs_t | |
Cspecs_t | |
Ctalents_t | |
Cwarlock_td_t | |
Cabsorb_buff_t | |
Cabsorb_t | |
Caction_callback_t | |
Caction_priority_list_t | |
Caction_priority_t | |
Caction_state_t | |
►Caction_t | |
Coptions_t | |
Ctarget_cache_t | Target Cache System |
Caction_variable_t | |
Cactive_class_spell_t | |
Cactive_pet_spell_t | |
Cactor_pair_t | |
Cactor_t | |
►Cactor_target_data_t | |
Catd_debuff_t | |
Catd_dot_t | |
Cansi_color_escape | |
Cappender | |
Carg_converter | |
Carg_data | |
Carg_data< T, Char, NUM_ARGS, 0 > | |
Carg_formatter | |
►Carg_mapper | |
Cformattable | |
►Carg_ref | |
Cvalue | |
CASCII | ASCII encoding |
Cattack_t | |
Cauto_dispose | |
Cauto_id | |
Cauto_lock_t | |
CAutoUTF | Dynamically select encoding according to stream's runtime-specified UTF encoding type |
CAutoUTFInputStream | Input stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection |
CAutoUTFOutputStream | Output stream wrapper with dynamically bound encoding and automatic encoding detection |
Cazerite_essence_entry_t | |
Cazerite_essence_power_entry_t | |
Cazerite_essence_t | |
Cazerite_power_entry_t | |
Cazerite_power_t | A class representing a single azerite power and the actors items associated with the power |
CBaseReaderHandler | Default implementation of Handler |
Cbasic_cstring_view | A reference to a null-terminated string |
►Cbasic_format_arg | |
Chandle | |
Cbasic_format_args | A view of a collection of formatting arguments |
Cbasic_format_context | |
Cbasic_format_parse_context | Parsing context consisting of a format string range being parsed and an argument counter for automatic indexing |
Cbasic_format_specs | |
Cbasic_format_string | A compile-time format string |
Cbasic_memory_buffer | A dynamically growing memory buffer for trivially copyable/constructible types with the first SIZE elements stored in the object itself |
Cbasic_printf_context | |
Cbasic_printf_parse_context | |
Cbasic_runtime | |
Cbasic_string_view | An implementation of std::basic_string_view for pre-C++17 |
CBasicIStreamWrapper | Wrapper of std::basic_istream into RapidJSON's Stream concept |
CBasicOStreamWrapper | Wrapper of std::basic_ostream into RapidJSON's Stream concept |
CBattleNetImportWidget | |
CBattleNetImportWindow | |
Cbenefit_t | |
Cbfa_darkmoon_deck_cb_t | |
Cbig_decimal_fp | |
Cbuff_t | |
Cbuffer | A contiguous memory buffer with an optional growing ability |
Cbuffer_traits | |
Cbuffered_file | |
Cbytes | |
Ccall_action_list_t | |
Cchar_converter | |
Cchar_t_impl | |
Cchar_t_impl< S, enable_if_t< is_string< S >::value > > | |
Cchrono_format_checker | |
Cchrono_formatter | |
►Ccolor_type | |
Ccolor_union | |
Ccombat_description_t | |
Ccompile_parse_context | |
Ccompile_string | |
Cconduit_data_t | |
Cconduit_entry_t | |
Cconduit_rank_entry_t | |
Cconst_expr_t | |
Ccooldown_t | |
Ccooldown_waste_data_t | |
Ccost_reduction_buff_t | |
Ccounting_buffer | |
Ccovenant_ability_entry_t | |
CCrtAllocator | C-runtime library allocator |
CCursorStreamWrapper | Cursor stream wrapper for counting line and column number if error exists |
Ccurve_point_t | |
Ccustom_dbc_data_t | |
Ccustom_formatter | |
Ccustom_value | |
Ccycling_variable_t | |
►Cdamage_buff_t | |
Cdamage_buff_modifier_t | |
Cdarkmoon_action_deck_t | |
Cdarkmoon_buff_deck_t | |
Cdarkmoon_deck_t | |
►Cdbc_item_data_t | |
Cstats_t | |
►Cdbc_override_t | |
Coverride_entry_t | |
Cdbc_proc_callback_t | DBC-driven proc callback |
Cdbc_t | |
Cdefault_arg_formatter | |
Cdelete_disposer_t | |
Cdigit_grouping | |
►Cdot_t | |
Cdot_end_event_t | |
Cdot_tick_event_t | |
Cdynamic_format_arg_store | A dynamic version of fmt::format_arg_store |
Cdynamic_format_specs | |
Cdynamic_formatter | |
Cdynamic_specs_handler | |
Ceffect_callbacks_t | |
CEncodedInputStream | Input byte stream wrapper with a statically bound encoding |
CEncodedInputStream< UTF8<>, MemoryStream > | Specialized for UTF8 MemoryStream |
CEncodedOutputStream | Output byte stream wrapper with statically bound encoding |
Cenhanced_conduit_entry_t | |
Cerror_handler | |
Cevent_manager_t | |
Cevent_t | |
Cexpiration_callback_event_t | |
Cexpr_t | Action expression |
Cextended_sample_data_t | |
Cfallback_digit_grouping | |
Cfallback_formatter | |
CFileReadStream | File byte stream for input using fread() |
CFileWriteStream | Wrapper of C file stream for output using fwrite() |
Cfill_t | |
Cfixed_buffer_traits | |
Cfloat_specs | |
Cfn_event_repeating_t | |
Cfn_event_t | |
Cfn_expr_t | |
Cformat_arg_store | An array of references to arguments |
Cformat_decimal_result | |
Cformat_error | A formatting error such as invalid format string |
Cformat_int | Fast integer formatter |
Cformat_string_checker | |
Cformat_to_n_result | |
Cformatter | |
Cformatter< bytes > | |
Cformatter< Char[N], Char > | |
Cformatter< detail::bigint > | |
Cformatter< group_digits_view< T > > | |
Cformatter< join_view< It, Sentinel, Char >, Char > | |
Cformatter< std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period >, Char > | |
Cformatter< std::chrono::time_point< std::chrono::system_clock, Duration >, Char > | |
Cformatter< std::error_code, Char > | |
Cformatter< std::tm, Char > | |
Cformatter< T, Char, enable_if_t< detail::is_map< T >::value &&(is_formattable< detail::value_type< T >, Char >::value||detail::has_fallback_formatter< detail::value_type< T >, Char >::value) > > | |
Cformatter< T, Char, enable_if_t< detail::type_constant< T, Char >::value !=detail::type::custom_type > > | |
Cformatter< T, Char, enable_if_t< fmt::is_range< T, Char >::value &&(is_formattable< detail::value_type< T >, Char >::value||detail::has_fallback_formatter< detail::value_type< T >, Char >::value) > > | |
Cformatter< tuple_join_view< Char, T... >, Char > | |
Cformatter< TupleT, Char, enable_if_t< fmt::is_tuple_like< TupleT >::value > > | |
Cformatter< void *, Char > | |
Cformatter< weekday, Char > | |
Cgain_t | |
Cgear_stats_t | |
Cgem_property_data_t | |
CGenericArray | Helper class for accessing Value of array type |
CGenericDocument | A document for parsing JSON text as DOM |
CGenericInsituStringStream | A read-write string stream |
CGenericMember | Name-value pair in a JSON object value |
CGenericMemberIterator | (Constant) member iterator for a JSON object value |
CGenericMemoryBuffer | Represents an in-memory output byte stream |
CGenericObject | Helper class for accessing Value of object type |
►CGenericPointer | Represents a JSON Pointer. Use Pointer for UTF8 encoding and default allocator |
CPercentEncodeStream | A helper stream to encode character (UTF-8 code unit) into percent-encoded sequence |
CToken | A token is the basic units of internal representation |
CGenericReader | SAX-style JSON parser. Use Reader for UTF8 encoding and default allocator |
CGenericSchemaDocument | JSON schema document |
CGenericSchemaValidator | JSON Schema Validator |
CGenericStreamWrapper | A Stream Wrapper |
CGenericStringBuffer | Represents an in-memory output stream |
CGenericStringRef | Reference to a constant string (not taking a copy) |
CGenericStringStream | Read-only string stream |
CGenericUri | |
►CGenericValue | Represents a JSON value. Use Value for UTF8 encoding and default allocator |
CArrayData | |
CData | |
CFlag | |
►CNumber | |
CI | |
CU | |
CObjectData | |
CShortString | |
CString | |
Cget_cstring | |
Cget_locale | |
Cground_aoe_event_t | |
Cground_aoe_params_t | |
Cgroup_digits_view | |
Chas_member_data_tm_gmtoff | |
Chas_member_data_tm_gmtoff< T, void_t< decltype(T::tm_gmtoff)> > | |
Chas_member_data_tm_zone | |
Chas_member_data_tm_zone< T, void_t< decltype(T::tm_zone)> > | |
Cheal_t | |
Chistogram | |
Chotfix_comparator_t | |
Chotfix_sorter_t | |
CIGenericRemoteSchemaDocumentProvider | |
Cimaxdiv_t | |
Cinstant_absorb_t | |
Cint_checker | |
Cint_checker< true > | |
Cis_back_insert_iterator | |
Cis_back_insert_iterator< std::back_insert_iterator< Container > > | |
Cis_char | Specifies if T is a character type |
Cis_char< char > | |
Cis_char< char16_t > | |
Cis_char< char32_t > | |
Cis_char< detail::char8_type > | |
Cis_char< wchar_t > | |
Cis_compile_string | |
Cis_contiguous | |
Cis_contiguous< basic_memory_buffer< T, SIZE, Allocator > > | |
Cis_contiguous< std::basic_string< Char > > | |
Cis_contiguous_back_insert_iterator | |
Cis_contiguous_back_insert_iterator< appender > | |
Cis_contiguous_back_insert_iterator< std::back_insert_iterator< Container > > | |
Cis_integral | |
Cis_integral< int128_t > | |
Cis_integral< uint128_t > | |
Cis_iterable_enum | |
Cis_named_arg | |
Cis_named_arg< named_arg< Char, T > > | |
Cis_output_iterator | |
Cis_output_iterator< It, T, void_t< typename std::iterator_traits< It >::iterator_category, decltype(*std::declval< It >()=std::declval< T >())> > | |
Cis_range | |
Cis_statically_named_arg | |
Cis_string | |
Cis_tuple_like | |
Cis_zero_int | |
Citem_armor_location_data_t | |
Citem_armor_quality_data_t | |
Citem_armor_shield_data_t | |
Citem_armor_total_data_t | |
Citem_bonus_entry_t | |
Citem_buff_exists_expr_t | |
Citem_buff_expr_t | |
Citem_child_equipment_t | |
Citem_cooldown_exists_expr_t | |
Citem_cooldown_expr_t | |
Citem_damage_one_hand_caster_data_t | |
Citem_damage_one_hand_data_t | |
Citem_damage_two_hand_caster_data_t | |
Citem_damage_two_hand_data_t | |
Citem_effect_base_expr_t | |
Citem_effect_expr_t | |
Citem_effect_t | |
Citem_enchantment_data_t | |
Citem_has_use_buff_expr_t | |
Citem_is_expr_t | |
Citem_name_description_t | |
Citem_ready_expr_t | |
Citem_runeforge_t | |
Citem_scale_data_t | |
Citem_set_bonus_t | |
Citem_socket_cost_data_t | |
►Citem_t | |
Cparsed_input_t | |
Citem_targetdata_initializer_t | Targetdata initializer for items |
Citem_upgrade_rule_t | |
Citem_upgrade_t | |
Citeration_data_entry_t | |
Citerator_buffer | |
Citerator_buffer< std::back_insert_iterator< Container >, enable_if_t< is_contiguous< Container >::value, typename Container::value_type > > | |
Citerator_buffer< T *, T > | |
Citerator_buffer< T *, T, fixed_buffer_traits > | |
Cjoin_view | |
Clocale_ref | |
Cmake_unsigned_or_bool | |
Cmake_unsigned_or_bool< bool > | |
Cmake_unsigned_or_unchanged | |
Cmake_unsigned_or_unchanged< T, true > | |
Cmastery_spell_entry_t | |
Cmelee_attack_t | |
CMemoryPoolAllocator | Default memory allocator used by the parser and DOM |
CMemoryStream | Represents an in-memory input byte stream |
Cmodule_t | |
Cmonostate | |
Cmovement_buff_t | |
►Cmutex_t | |
Cnative_t | |
Cnamed_arg | |
Cnamed_arg_info | |
Cnamed_arg_value | |
Cnoncopyable | Helper class to make a class non-copyable |
Cnonmoveable | Helper class to make a class non-moveable |
Cnull_chrono_spec_handler | |
Coption_db_t | |
Coption_t | |
Coption_tuple_t | |
Cparsed_item_data_t | |
CParseResult | Result of parsing (wraps ParseErrorCode) |
►Cpet_t | |
Cowner_coefficients_t | |
►Cplayer_collected_data_t | |
►Caction_sequence_data_t | |
Crecord_t | |
Cbuffed_stats_t | |
Chealth_changes_timeline_t | |
Cresource_timeline_t | |
Cstat_timeline_t | |
Cplayer_demise_event_t | |
Cplayer_description_t | |
Cplayer_event_t | |
Cplayer_processed_report_information_t | |
Cplayer_report_extension_t | |
Cplayer_resources_t | |
Cplayer_scaling_t | |
Cplayer_stat_cache_t | |
►Cplayer_t | |
Cantumbra_t | |
Cbase_initial_current_t | |
Cbuffs_t | |
Cconsumables_t | |
Cdebuffs_t | |
Cdiminishing_returns_constants_t | |
Cexternal_buffs_t | |
Cgains_t | |
Cincoming_damage_entry_t | |
Cpassives_t | |
Cprocs_t | |
Cracials_t | |
Cshadowlands_opt_t | |
Cspells_t | |
Cuptimes_t | |
Cplayer_talent_points_t | |
Cplot_data_t | |
Cplot_t | |
Cprecision_checker | |
CPrettyWriter | Writer with indentation and spacing |
Cprintf_arg_formatter | |
Cprintf_formatter | |
Cprintf_precision_handler | |
Cprintf_width_handler | |
Cproc_event_t | |
Cproc_t | |
Cprogress_bar_t | |
Cpropagate_const | |
Cracial_spell_entry_t | |
Craid_event_t | |
Crandom_prop_data_t | |
Crandom_suffix_group_t | |
Cranged_attack_t | |
Crank_class_spell_t | |
Crating_t | |
Creal_ppm_t | |
Cref_expr_t | |
Creforge_plot_t | |
Crenown_reward_entry_t | |
Creport_timer_t | Automatic Timer reporting the time between construction and desctruction of the object |
Crgb | |
Crppm_modifier_t | |
Crun_action_list_t | |
Cruneforge_legendary_entry_t | |
Csample_data_helper_t | |
CSC_AddonImportTab | |
CSC_ComboBoxIntegerValidator | |
CSC_CommandLine | |
CSC_enumeratedTab | |
CSC_enumeratedTabBase | |
CSC_HoverArea | |
CSC_ImportTab | |
CSC_ImportThread | |
CSC_MainTab | |
CSC_MainWindow | |
►CSC_MainWindowCommandLine | |
C_progressbar_state | |
C_widget_state | |
►CSC_OptionsTab | |
Cchoices_t | |
CSC_OverridesTab | |
CSC_QueueItemModel | |
CSC_QueueListView | |
Csc_raw_ostream_t | |
CSC_RecentlyClosedTab | |
CSC_RecentlyClosedTabItemModel | |
CSC_RecentlyClosedTabWidget | |
CSC_ReforgeButtonGroup | |
CSC_RelativePopup | |
CSC_ResultTab | |
CSC_SampleProfilesTab | |
CSC_SearchBox | |
CSC_SearchBoxLineEdit | |
CSC_SimulateTab | |
CSC_SimulateThread | |
CSC_SingleResultTab | |
►CSC_SpellQueryTab | |
Cbuttons_t | |
Cchoices_t | |
Clabels_t | |
Ctextboxes_t | |
CSC_TabBar | |
CSC_TabWidgetCloseAll | |
CSC_TextEdit | |
►Csc_thread_t | |
Cnative_t | |
Csc_timeline_t | |
CSC_WebPage | |
CSC_WebView | |
CSC_WelcomeTabWidget_WebEngine | Webengine Webview for Welcome.html welcome page |
Csc_xml_t | |
Cscale_factor_control_t | |
Cscaling_metric_data_t | |
CSchemaValidatingReader | A helper class for parsing with validation |
Cscoped_callback_t | |
Csequence_t | |
►Cset_bonus_t | |
Cset_bonus_data_t | |
Cshuffle_event_t | |
Cshuffled_rng_t | |
Csim_control_t | |
►Csim_ostream_t | |
Cno_close | |
Csim_progress_t | |
►Csim_t | Simulation engine |
Cauras_t | |
Cbfa_opt_t | |
Clegion_opt_t | |
Coverrides_t | |
Cshadowlands_opt_t | |
Csimple_sample_data_t | |
Csimple_sample_data_with_min_max_t | |
Csnapshot_stats_t | Snapshot players stats during pre-combat to get raid-buffed stats values |
Csoulbind_ability_entry_t | |
Cspecial_effect_db_item_t | |
Cspecial_effect_t | |
Cspecialization_spell_entry_t | |
Cspecs_checker | |
Cspecs_handler | |
Cspecs_setter | |
Cspell_base_t | |
Cspell_data_expr_t | |
Cspell_data_nil_t | |
Cspell_data_not_found_t | |
Cspell_data_t | |
Cspell_t | |
Cspelldesc_vars_data_t | |
Cspelleffect_data_nil_t | |
Cspelleffect_data_t | |
Cspelllabel_data_t | |
Cspellpower_data_t | |
Cspelltext_data_t | |
►Cstat_buff_t | |
Cbuff_stat_t | |
Cstat_data_t | |
Cstat_pair_t | |
►Cstats_t | |
Cstats_results_t | |
Cstats_scaling_t | |
Cstd_string_view | |
►CStdAllocator | |
Crebind | |
►CStdAllocator< void, BaseAllocator > | |
Crebind | |
Cstopwatch_t | |
CStreamTraits | Provides additional information for stream |
CStreamTraits< GenericInsituStringStream< Encoding > > | |
CStreamTraits< GenericStringStream< Encoding > > | |
Cstrict_sequence_t | |
Cstring_value | |
Cswap_action_list_t | |
Ctalent_data_nil_t | |
Ctalent_data_t | |
Ctarget_specific_cooldown_t | |
Ctarget_specific_t | |
Ctarget_wrapper_expr_t | |
Ctemporary_enchant_entry_t | |
Ctext_style | A text style consisting of foreground and background colors and emphasis |
Cthousands_sep_result | |
Ctimeline_t | |
Ctm_format_checker | |
Ctm_writer | |
CTranscoder | Encoding conversion |
CTranscoder< Encoding, Encoding > | Specialization of Transcoder with same source and target encoding |
Ctravel_event_t | |
Ctuple_join_view | |
Ctype_constant | |
Ctype_identity | |
Cunformattable | |
Cunformattable_char | |
Cunformattable_const | |
Cunformattable_pointer | |
Cuptime_base_t | |
Cuptime_simple_t | |
Cuptime_t | |
CUTF16 | UTF-16 encoding |
CUTF16BE | UTF-16 big endian encoding |
CUTF16LE | UTF-16 little endian encoding |
CUTF32 | UTF-32 encoding |
CUTF32BE | UTF-32 big endian encoding |
CUTF32LE | UTF-32 little endian enocoding |
CUTF8 | UTF-8 encoding |
Cutf8_to_utf16 | |
Cvalue | |
Cvariable_t | |
Cvector_with_callback | |
Cview | |
Cweapon_t | |
Cweekday | |
Cwidth_checker | |
Cwork_queue_t | |
Cwrapper_callback_t | |
Cwrite_int_arg | |
Cwrite_int_data | |
►CWriter | JSON writer |
CLevel | Information for each nested level |
Cxml_node_t | |
Cxml_parm_t | |
Cxml_writer_t | |
Cyear_month_day | |