SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
SC_OptionsTab::choices_t Struct Reference

Public Attributes

QComboBox * version
QComboBox * world_lag
QComboBox * target_error
QComboBox * iterations
QComboBox * fight_length
QComboBox * fight_variance
QComboBox * fight_style
QComboBox * target_level
QComboBox * target_race
QComboBox * num_target
QComboBox * player_skill
QComboBox * threads
QComboBox * process_priority
QComboBox * auto_save
QComboBox * pvp_mode
QComboBox * armory_region
QComboBox * armory_spec
QComboBox * default_role
QComboBox * gui_localization
QComboBox * update_check
QComboBox * boss_type
QComboBox * tank_dummy
QComboBox * tmi_window
QComboBox * show_etmi
QComboBox * debug
QComboBox * report_pets
QComboBox * statistics_level
QComboBox * deterministic_rng
QComboBox * center_scale_delta
QComboBox * challenge_mode
QComboBox * scale_over
QComboBox * plots_points
QComboBox * plots_step
QComboBox * plots_target_error
QComboBox * plots_iterations
QComboBox * reforgeplot_amount
QComboBox * reforgeplot_step