SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
monk::monk_t::cooldowns_t Struct Reference

Public Attributes

propagate_const< cooldown_t * > blackout_kick
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > black_ox_brew
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > brewmaster_attack
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > breath_of_fire
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > chi_torpedo
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > celestial_brew
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > desperate_measure
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > expel_harm
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > fist_of_the_white_tiger
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > fists_of_fury
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > flying_serpent_kick
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > fortifying_brew
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > healing_elixir
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > invoke_niuzao
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > invoke_xuen
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > invoke_yulon
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > keg_smash
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > purifying_brew
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > rising_sun_kick
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > refreshing_jade_wind
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > roll
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > rushing_jade_wind_brm
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > rushing_jade_wind_ww
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > storm_earth_and_fire
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > thunder_focus_tea
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > touch_of_death
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > serenity
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > weapons_of_order
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > bonedust_brew
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > faeline_stomp
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > fallen_order
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > charred_passions
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > bountiful_brew
propagate_const< cooldown_t * > sinister_teachings