SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
internal::Schema< SchemaDocumentType > Class Template Reference

Public Types

typedef SchemaDocumentType::ValueType ValueType
typedef SchemaDocumentType::AllocatorType AllocatorType
typedef SchemaDocumentType::PointerType PointerType
typedef ValueType::EncodingType EncodingType
typedef EncodingType::Ch Ch
typedef SchemaValidationContext< SchemaDocumentType > Context
typedef Schema< SchemaDocumentType > SchemaType
typedef GenericValue< EncodingType, AllocatorType > SValue
typedef IValidationErrorHandler< SchemaErrorHandler
typedef GenericUri< ValueType, AllocatorType > UriType

Public Member Functions

 Schema (SchemaDocumentType *schemaDocument, const PointerType &p, const ValueType &value, const ValueType &document, AllocatorType *allocator, const UriType &id=UriType())
const SValueGetURI () const
const UriTypeGetId () const
const PointerType & GetPointer () const
bool BeginValue (Context &context) const
RAPIDJSON_FORCEINLINE bool EndValue (Context &context) const
bool Null (Context &context) const
bool Bool (Context &context, bool) const
bool Int (Context &context, int i) const
bool Uint (Context &context, unsigned u) const
bool Int64 (Context &context, int64_t i) const
bool Uint64 (Context &context, uint64_t u) const
bool Double (Context &context, double d) const
bool String (Context &context, const Ch *str, SizeType length, bool) const
bool StartObject (Context &context) const
bool Key (Context &context, const Ch *str, SizeType len, bool) const
bool EndObject (Context &context, SizeType memberCount) const
bool StartArray (Context &context) const
bool EndArray (Context &context, SizeType elementCount) const

Static Public Member Functions

static const ValueType & GetValidateErrorKeyword (ValidateErrorCode validateErrorCode)


class GenericSchemaDocument< ValueType, AllocatorType >