SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
internal::IValidationErrorHandler< SchemaType > Class Template Referenceabstract

Public Types

typedef SchemaType::Ch Ch
typedef SchemaType::SValue SValue

Public Member Functions

virtual void NotMultipleOf (int64_t actual, const SValue &expected)=0
virtual void NotMultipleOf (uint64_t actual, const SValue &expected)=0
virtual void NotMultipleOf (double actual, const SValue &expected)=0
virtual void AboveMaximum (int64_t actual, const SValue &expected, bool exclusive)=0
virtual void AboveMaximum (uint64_t actual, const SValue &expected, bool exclusive)=0
virtual void AboveMaximum (double actual, const SValue &expected, bool exclusive)=0
virtual void BelowMinimum (int64_t actual, const SValue &expected, bool exclusive)=0
virtual void BelowMinimum (uint64_t actual, const SValue &expected, bool exclusive)=0
virtual void BelowMinimum (double actual, const SValue &expected, bool exclusive)=0
virtual void TooLong (const Ch *str, SizeType length, SizeType expected)=0
virtual void TooShort (const Ch *str, SizeType length, SizeType expected)=0
virtual void DoesNotMatch (const Ch *str, SizeType length)=0
virtual void DisallowedItem (SizeType index)=0
virtual void TooFewItems (SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount)=0
virtual void TooManyItems (SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount)=0
virtual void DuplicateItems (SizeType index1, SizeType index2)=0
virtual void TooManyProperties (SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount)=0
virtual void TooFewProperties (SizeType actualCount, SizeType expectedCount)=0
virtual void StartMissingProperties ()=0
virtual void AddMissingProperty (const SValue &name)=0
virtual bool EndMissingProperties ()=0
virtual void PropertyViolations (ISchemaValidator **subvalidators, SizeType count)=0
virtual void DisallowedProperty (const Ch *name, SizeType length)=0
virtual void StartDependencyErrors ()=0
virtual void StartMissingDependentProperties ()=0
virtual void AddMissingDependentProperty (const SValue &targetName)=0
virtual void EndMissingDependentProperties (const SValue &sourceName)=0
virtual void AddDependencySchemaError (const SValue &souceName, ISchemaValidator *subvalidator)=0
virtual bool EndDependencyErrors ()=0
virtual void DisallowedValue (const ValidateErrorCode code)=0
virtual void StartDisallowedType ()=0
virtual void AddExpectedType (const typename SchemaType::ValueType &expectedType)=0
virtual void EndDisallowedType (const typename SchemaType::ValueType &actualType)=0
virtual void NotAllOf (ISchemaValidator **subvalidators, SizeType count)=0
virtual void NoneOf (ISchemaValidator **subvalidators, SizeType count)=0
virtual void NotOneOf (ISchemaValidator **subvalidators, SizeType count, bool matched)=0
virtual void Disallowed ()=0