SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
SC_ResultTab Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for SC_ResultTab:
SC_RecentlyClosedTab SC_TabWidgetCloseAll

Public Slots

void TabCloseRequest (int index)
- Public Slots inherited from SC_RecentlyClosedTab
void restoreTab (QWidget *widget, const QString &title, const QString &tooltip, const QIcon &icon)
- Public Slots inherited from SC_TabWidgetCloseAll
void closeAllTabsRequest ()
void closeOtherTabsRequest ()

Public Member Functions

 SC_ResultTab (SC_MainWindow *)
- Public Member Functions inherited from SC_RecentlyClosedTab
 SC_RecentlyClosedTab (QWidget *parent=0, SC_RecentlyClosedTabItemModel *modelToUse=0, bool enableRecentlyClosedTabs=true, Qt::Corner corner=Qt::TopRightCorner)
virtual int insertAt ()
SC_RecentlyClosedTabItemModelgetModel ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from SC_TabWidgetCloseAll
 SC_TabWidgetCloseAll (QWidget *parent=0, Qt::Corner corner=Qt::TopRightCorner, QString closeAllWarningTitle="Close all tabs?", QString closeAllWarningText="Close all tabs?", QString closeOthersWarningTitle="Close other tabs?", QString closeOthersWarningText="Close other tabs?")
void setCloseAllTabsTitleText (QString text)
void setCloseAllTabsBodyText (QString text)
void addCloseAllExclude (QWidget *widget)
bool removeCloseAllExclude (QWidget *widget)
void removeAllCloseAllExcludes ()
bool isACloseAllExclude (QWidget *widget)
void closeAllTabs ()
void closeOtherTabs ()
void removeTab (int index, bool close_permanently=false)
void enableMouseHoveredOverTabSignal (bool enable)
void enableDragHoveredOverTabSignal (bool enable)

Additional Inherited Members

- Signals inherited from SC_TabWidgetCloseAll
void tabAboutToBeRemoved (QWidget *, const QString &tabTitle, const QString &tabToolTip, const QIcon &)
void mouseHoveredOverTab (int tab)
void mouseDragHoveredOverTab (int tab)
void tabBarLayoutRequestEvent ()