SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
hotfix::client_hotfix_entry_t Struct Reference


struct  flags_value_t
union  value_t

Public Member Functions

constexpr client_hotfix_entry_t (unsigned id, unsigned field, const char *s, const char *hotfix_s)
constexpr client_hotfix_entry_t (unsigned id, unsigned field, int32_t i, int32_t hotfix_i)
constexpr client_hotfix_entry_t (unsigned id, unsigned field, uint32_t u, uint32_t hotfix_u)
constexpr client_hotfix_entry_t (unsigned id, unsigned field, double f, double hotfix_f)
constexpr client_hotfix_entry_t (unsigned id, unsigned field, flags_value_t, flags_value_t)

Public Attributes

unsigned id
unsigned field_id
dbc_ftype field_type
union hotfix::client_hotfix_entry_t::value_t orig_value
union hotfix::client_hotfix_entry_t::value_t hotfixed_value