SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
monk::monk_t::buffs_t Struct Reference

Public Attributes

propagate_const< buff_t * > chi_torpedo
propagate_const< buff_t * > dampen_harm
propagate_const< buff_t * > diffuse_magic
propagate_const< buff_t * > rushing_jade_wind
propagate_const< buff_t * > spinning_crane_kick
propagate_const< buff_t * > bladed_armor
propagate_const< buff_t * > blackout_combo
propagate_const< absorb_buff_t * > celestial_brew
propagate_const< buff_t * > celestial_flames
propagate_const< buff_t * > elusive_brawler
propagate_const< buff_t * > fortifying_brew
propagate_const< buff_t * > gift_of_the_ox
propagate_const< buff_t * > invoke_niuzao
propagate_const< buff_t * > purified_chi
propagate_const< buff_t * > shuffle
propagate_const< buff_t * > spitfire
propagate_const< buff_t * > zen_meditation
propagate_const< buff_t * > recent_purifies
propagate_const< buff_t * > light_stagger
propagate_const< buff_t * > moderate_stagger
propagate_const< buff_t * > heavy_stagger
propagate_const< absorb_buff_t * > life_cocoon
propagate_const< buff_t * > channeling_soothing_mist
propagate_const< buff_t * > invoke_chiji
propagate_const< buff_t * > invoke_chiji_evm
propagate_const< buff_t * > lifecycles_enveloping_mist
propagate_const< buff_t * > lifecycles_vivify
propagate_const< buff_t * > mana_tea
propagate_const< buff_t * > refreshing_jade_wind
propagate_const< buff_t * > teachings_of_the_monastery
propagate_const< buff_t * > touch_of_death_mw
propagate_const< buff_t * > thunder_focus_tea
propagate_const< buff_t * > uplifting_trance
propagate_const< buff_t * > bok_proc
propagate_const< buff_t * > combo_master
propagate_const< buff_t * > combo_strikes
propagate_const< buff_t * > dance_of_chiji
propagate_const< buff_t * > dance_of_chiji_hidden
propagate_const< buff_t * > dizzying_kicks
propagate_const< buff_t * > flying_serpent_kick_movement
propagate_const< buff_t * > hit_combo
propagate_const< buff_t * > inner_stength
propagate_const< buff_t * > invoke_xuen
propagate_const< buff_t * > storm_earth_and_fire
propagate_const< buff_t * > serenity
propagate_const< buff_t * > touch_of_death_ww
propagate_const< buff_t * > touch_of_karma
propagate_const< buff_t * > windwalking_driver
propagate_const< buff_t * > whirling_dragon_punch
propagate_const< buff_t * > bonedust_brew
propagate_const< buff_t * > bonedust_brew_hidden
propagate_const< buff_t * > weapons_of_order
propagate_const< buff_t * > weapons_of_order_ww
propagate_const< buff_t * > faeline_stomp
propagate_const< buff_t * > faeline_stomp_brm
propagate_const< buff_t * > faeline_stomp_reset
propagate_const< buff_t * > fallen_order
propagate_const< buff_t * > windwalking_venthyr
propagate_const< absorb_buff_t * > fortifying_ingrediences
propagate_const< buff_t * > chi_energy
propagate_const< buff_t * > charred_passions
propagate_const< buff_t * > fae_exposure
propagate_const< buff_t * > invokers_delight
propagate_const< buff_t * > mighty_pour
propagate_const< buff_t * > pressure_point
propagate_const< buff_t * > the_emperors_capacitor
propagate_const< buff_t * > invoke_xuen_call_to_arms
propagate_const< buff_t * > keg_of_the_heavens
propagate_const< buff_t * > primordial_potential
propagate_const< buff_t * > primordial_power
propagate_const< buff_t * > primordial_power_hidden_gcd
propagate_const< buff_t * > primordial_power_hidden_channel