SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
azerite::azerite_essences::resolute_courage_t Struct Reference
Inheritance diagram for azerite::azerite_essences::resolute_courage_t:
stat_buff_t buff_t noncopyable

Public Member Functions

 resolute_courage_t (player_t *p)
- Public Member Functions inherited from stat_buff_t
void bump (int stacks=1, double value=-1.0) override
void decrement (int stacks=1, double value=-1.0) override
void expire_override (int expiration_stacks, timespan_t remaining_duration) override
double value () override
 Get current buff value + benefit tracking.
stat_buff_tadd_stat (stat_e s, double a, const std::function< bool(const stat_buff_t &)> &c=std::function< bool(const stat_buff_t &)>())
 stat_buff_t (actor_pair_t q, util::string_view name)
 stat_buff_t (actor_pair_t q, util::string_view name, const spell_data_t *, const item_t *item=nullptr)
- Public Member Functions inherited from buff_t
 buff_t (actor_pair_t q, util::string_view name)
 buff_t (actor_pair_t q, util::string_view name, const spell_data_t *, const item_t *item=nullptr)
 buff_t (sim_t *sim, util::string_view name)
 buff_t (sim_t *sim, util::string_view name, const spell_data_t *, const item_t *item=nullptr)
const spell_data_tdata () const
const spell_data_tdata_reporting () const
int check () const
 Get current number of stacks, no benefit tracking. More...
int stack ()
 Get current number of stacks + benefit tracking. More...
bool up ()
 Check if buff is up Use check() inside of ready() and cost() methods to prevent skewing of "benefit" calculations. More...
double stack_value ()
 Get current buff value multiplied by current stacks + benefit tracking.
double check_value () const
 Get current buff value + NO benefit tracking.
double check_stack_value () const
 Get current buff value multiplied by current stacks + NO benefit tracking.
virtual bool freeze_stacks ()
 Return true if tick should not call bump() or decrement()
virtual timespan_t buff_duration () const
timespan_t remains () const
timespan_t tick_time_remains () const
timespan_t elapsed (timespan_t t) const
timespan_t last_trigger_time () const
timespan_t last_expire_time () const
bool remains_gt (timespan_t time) const
bool remains_lt (timespan_t time) const
bool has_common_school (school_e) const
bool at_max_stacks (int mod=0) const
int _resolve_stacks (int stacks)
bool trigger (action_t *, int stacks=-1, double value=DEFAULT_VALUE(), timespan_t duration=timespan_t::min())
bool trigger (timespan_t duration)
bool trigger (int stacks, timespan_t duration)
virtual bool trigger (int stacks=-1, double value=DEFAULT_VALUE(), double chance=-1.0, timespan_t duration=timespan_t::min())
virtual void execute (int stacks=-1, double value=DEFAULT_VALUE(), timespan_t duration=timespan_t::min())
virtual void increment (int stacks=1, double value=DEFAULT_VALUE(), timespan_t duration=timespan_t::min())
virtual void extend_duration (player_t *p, timespan_t seconds)
virtual void extend_duration_or_trigger (timespan_t duration=timespan_t::min(), player_t *p=nullptr)
virtual void start (int stacks=1, double value=DEFAULT_VALUE(), timespan_t duration=timespan_t::min())
virtual void refresh (int stacks=0, double value=DEFAULT_VALUE(), timespan_t duration=timespan_t::min())
virtual void override_buff (int stacks=1, double value=DEFAULT_VALUE())
virtual bool may_react (int stacks=1)
virtual int stack_react ()
virtual void expire (timespan_t delay=timespan_t::zero())
void cancel ()
virtual void predict ()
virtual void reset ()
virtual void aura_gain ()
virtual void aura_loss ()
virtual void merge (const buff_t &other_buff)
virtual void analyze ()
virtual void datacollection_begin ()
virtual void datacollection_end ()
virtual timespan_t refresh_duration (timespan_t new_duration) const
virtual timespan_t tick_time () const
void invalidate_cache ()
virtual int total_stack ()
std::string to_str () const
const char * name () const
const char * name_reporting () const
util::string_view source_name () const
int max_stack () const
int initial_stack () const
const spell_data_tget_trigger_data () const
rng::rng_trng ()
buff_tset_chance (double chance)
buff_tset_duration (timespan_t duration)
buff_tmodify_duration (timespan_t duration)
buff_tset_duration_multiplier (double)
buff_tset_max_stack (int max_stack)
buff_tmodify_max_stack (int max_stack)
buff_tset_initial_stack (int initial_stack)
buff_tmodify_initial_stack (int initial_stack)
buff_tset_expire_at_max_stack (bool)
buff_tset_cooldown (timespan_t duration)
buff_tmodify_cooldown (timespan_t duration)
buff_tset_period (timespan_t)
buff_tset_quiet (bool quiet)
buff_tadd_invalidate (cache_e)
buff_tset_schools (unsigned)
buff_tset_schools_from_effect (size_t)
buff_tadd_school (school_e)
buff_tset_pct_buff_type (stat_pct_buff_type)
buff_tset_default_value (double, size_t=0)
virtual buff_tset_default_value_from_effect (size_t, double=0.0)
virtual buff_tset_default_value_from_effect_type (effect_subtype_t a_type, property_type_t p_type=P_MAX, double multiplier=0.0, effect_type_t e_type=E_APPLY_AURA)
buff_tmodify_default_value (double)
buff_tset_reverse (bool)
buff_tset_activated (bool)
buff_tset_can_cancel (bool cc)
buff_tset_tick_behavior (buff_tick_behavior)
buff_tset_tick_callback (buff_tick_callback_t)
buff_tset_tick_time_callback (buff_tick_time_callback_t)
buff_tset_affects_regen (bool state)
buff_tset_constant_behavior (buff_constant_behavior)
buff_tset_refresh_behavior (buff_refresh_behavior)
buff_tset_refresh_duration_callback (buff_refresh_duration_callback_t)
buff_tset_tick_zero (bool v)
buff_tset_tick_on_application (bool v)
buff_tset_partial_tick (bool v)
buff_tset_tick_time_behavior (buff_tick_time_behavior b)
buff_tset_rppm (rppm_scale_e scale=RPPM_NONE, double freq=-1, double mod=-1)
buff_tset_trigger_spell (const spell_data_t *s)
buff_tset_stack_change_callback (const buff_stack_change_callback_t &cb)
buff_tset_reverse_stack_count (int count)
buff_tset_stack_behavior (buff_stack_behavior b)
buff_tset_allow_precombat (bool b)
buff_tset_name_reporting (std::string_view)
virtual buff_tapply_affecting_aura (const spell_data_t *spell)
virtual buff_tapply_affecting_effect (const spelleffect_data_t &effect)
virtual buff_tapply_affecting_conduit (const conduit_data_t &conduit, int effect_num=1)
virtual buff_tapply_affecting_conduit_effect (const conduit_data_t &conduit, size_t effect_num)

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from buff_t
static std::unique_ptr< expr_tcreate_expression (util::string_view buff_name, util::string_view type, action_t &action)
static std::unique_ptr< expr_tcreate_expression (util::string_view buff_name, util::string_view type, buff_t &static_buff)
static double DEFAULT_VALUE ()
static buff_tfind (util::span< buff_t *const >, util::string_view name, player_t *source=nullptr)
static buff_tfind (sim_t *, util::string_view name)
static buff_tfind (player_t *, util::string_view name, player_t *source=nullptr)
static buff_tfind_expressable (util::span< buff_t *const >, util::string_view name, player_t *source=nullptr)
- Public Attributes inherited from stat_buff_t
std::vector< buff_stat_tstats
bool manual_stats_added
- Public Attributes inherited from buff_t
sim_t *const sim
player_t *const player
const item_t *const item
const std::string name_str
std::string name_str_reporting
const spell_data_ts_data
const spell_data_ts_data_reporting
player_t *const source
std::vector< event_t * > expiration
sc_timeline_t uptime_array
double default_value
size_t default_value_effect_idx
double default_value_effect_multiplier
unsigned schools
bool activated
 Is buff manually activated or not (eg. More...
bool reactable
bool reverse
bool constant
bool quiet
bool overridden
bool can_cancel
bool requires_invalidation
bool expire_at_max_stack
int reverse_stack_reduction
double current_value
 Number of stacks reduced when reverse = true.
int current_stack
timespan_t base_buff_duration
double buff_duration_multiplier
double default_chance
double manual_chance
std::vector< timespan_tstack_react_time
std::vector< event_t * > stack_react_ready_triggers
buff_constant_behavior constant_behavior
buff_refresh_behavior refresh_behavior
buff_refresh_duration_callback_t refresh_duration_callback
buff_stack_behavior stack_behavior
buff_stack_change_callback_t stack_change_callback
bool allow_precombat
unsigned current_tick
timespan_t buff_period
buff_tick_time_behavior tick_time_behavior
buff_tick_behavior tick_behavior
buff_tick_callback_t tick_callback
buff_tick_time_callback_t tick_time_callback
bool tick_zero
bool tick_on_application
bool partial_tick
simple_sample_data_t benefit_pct
simple_sample_data_t trigger_pct
simple_sample_data_t avg_start
simple_sample_data_t avg_refresh
simple_sample_data_t avg_expire
simple_sample_data_t avg_overflow_count
simple_sample_data_t avg_overflow_total
simple_sample_data_t uptime_pct
simple_sample_data_with_min_max_t start_intervals
simple_sample_data_with_min_max_t trigger_intervals
simple_sample_data_with_min_max_t duration_lengths
std::vector< uptime_simple_tstack_uptime
bool change_regen_rate
- Protected Member Functions inherited from buff_t
 buff_t (sim_t *sim, player_t *target, player_t *source, util::string_view name, const spell_data_t *, const item_t *item)
void update_stack_uptime_array (timespan_t current_time, int old_stacks)
- Protected Attributes inherited from buff_t
timespan_t last_start
timespan_t last_trigger
timespan_t last_expire
timespan_t last_stack_change
timespan_t iteration_uptime_sum
timespan_t last_benefite_update
unsigned int up_count
unsigned int down_count
unsigned int start_count
unsigned int refresh_count
unsigned int expire_count
unsigned int overflow_count
unsigned int overflow_total
int trigger_attempts
int trigger_successes
int simulation_max_stack
std::vector< cache_e > invalidate_list
gcd_haste_type gcd_type