SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
dot_t Member List

This is the complete list of members for dot_t, including all inherited members.

adjust(double coefficient) (defined in dot_t)dot_t
adjust_duration(timespan_t extra_seconds, timespan_t max_total_time=timespan_t::min(), uint32_t state_flags=-1, bool count_as_refresh=true) (defined in dot_t)dot_t
adjust_duration(timespan_t extra_seconds, uint32_t state_flags) (defined in dot_t)dot_tinline
adjust_full_ticks(double coefficient) (defined in dot_t)dot_t
at_max_stacks(int mod=0) const (defined in dot_t)dot_tinline
cancel() (defined in dot_t)dot_t
copy(player_t *destination, dot_copy_e=DOT_COPY_START) const (defined in dot_t)dot_t
create_expression(dot_t *dot, action_t *action, action_t *source_action, util::string_view name_str, bool dynamic) (defined in dot_t)dot_tstatic
current_action (defined in dot_t)dot_t
current_stack() const (defined in dot_t)dot_tinline
current_tick (defined in dot_t)dot_t
decrement(int stacks) (defined in dot_t)dot_t
dot_t(util::string_view n, player_t *target, player_t *source) (defined in dot_t)dot_t
duration() const (defined in dot_t)dot_tinline
end_event (defined in dot_t)dot_t
get_extra_time() const (defined in dot_t)dot_tinline
get_tick_factor() const (defined in dot_t)dot_t
increment(int stacks) (defined in dot_t)dot_t
is_ticking() const (defined in dot_t)dot_tinline
last_tick() (defined in dot_t)dot_t
max_stack (defined in dot_t)dot_t
name() const (defined in dot_t)dot_tinline
name_str (defined in dot_t)dot_t
noncopyable()=default (defined in noncopyable)noncopyableprivate
noncopyable(noncopyable &&)=default (defined in noncopyable)noncopyableprivate
noncopyable(const noncopyable &)=delete (defined in noncopyable)noncopyableprivate
num_ticks() const (defined in dot_t)dot_t
operator=(noncopyable &&)=default (defined in noncopyable)noncopyableprivate
operator=(const noncopyable &)=delete (defined in noncopyable)noncopyableprivate
refresh_duration(uint32_t state_flags=-1) (defined in dot_t)dot_t
remains() const (defined in dot_t)dot_t
reschedule_tick() (defined in dot_t)dot_t
reset() (defined in dot_t)dot_t
sc_format_to (defined in dot_t)dot_tfriend
source (defined in dot_t)dot_t
state (defined in dot_t)dot_t
target (defined in dot_t)dot_t
tick() (defined in dot_t)dot_t
tick_event (defined in dot_t)dot_t
ticks_left() const (defined in dot_t)dot_tinline
ticks_left_fractional() const (defined in dot_t)dot_t
time_to_next_full_tick() const (defined in dot_t)dot_t
time_to_next_tick() const (defined in dot_t)dot_tinline
time_to_tick() const (defined in dot_t)dot_t
trigger(timespan_t duration) (defined in dot_t)dot_t