SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
real_ppm_t Member List

This is the complete list of members for real_ppm_t, including all inherited members.

blp enum name (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_t
BLP_DISABLED enum value (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_t
BLP_ENABLED enum value (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_t
get_blp_state() const (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
get_frequency() const (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
get_modifier() const (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
get_rppm() const (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
get_scaling() const (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
name() const (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
proc_chance(player_t *player, double PPM, timespan_t last_trigger, timespan_t accumulated_bad_luck_protection, unsigned scales_with, blp blp_state) (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tstatic
real_ppm_t(util::string_view name, player_t *p, double frequency=0, double mod=1.0, unsigned s=RPPM_NONE, blp b=BLP_ENABLED) (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
real_ppm_t(util::string_view name, player_t *p, const spell_data_t *data, const item_t *item=nullptr) (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_t
reset() (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
set_accumulated_blp(timespan_t ts) (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
set_blp_state(blp state) (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
set_frequency(double frequency) (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
set_last_trigger_attempt(timespan_t ts) (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
set_modifier(double mod) (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
set_scaling(unsigned s) (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_tinline
trigger() (defined in real_ppm_t)real_ppm_t