SimulationCraft is a tool to explore combat mechanics in the popular MMO RPG World of Warcraft (tm).
expr_t Member List

This is the complete list of members for expr_t, including all inherited members.

always_false() (defined in expr_t)expr_tinline
always_true() (defined in expr_t)expr_tinline
coerce(timespan_t t) (defined in expr_t)expr_tinlinestatic
coerce(T t) (defined in expr_t)expr_tinlinestatic
create_constant(util::string_view name, T value) (defined in expr_t)expr_tinlinestatic
eval() (defined in expr_t)expr_tinline
evaluate()=0 (defined in expr_t)expr_tpure virtual
expr_t(util::string_view name, expression::token_e op=expression::TOK_UNKNOWN) (defined in expr_t)expr_tinlineprotected
id() const (defined in expr_t)expr_tinline
is_analyze_expression() (defined in expr_t)expr_tinlinevirtual
is_constant() (defined in expr_t)expr_tinlinevirtual
name() const (defined in expr_t)expr_tinline
op_ (defined in expr_t)expr_t
optimize_expression(std::unique_ptr< expr_t > &expression, bool analyze_further=false, int spacing=0) (defined in expr_t)expr_tstatic
optimize_expression(std::unique_ptr< expr_t > &expression, sim_t &sim) (defined in expr_t)expr_tstatic
parse(action_t *, util::string_view expr_str, bool optimize=false) (defined in expr_t)expr_tstatic
success() (defined in expr_t)expr_tinline
~expr_t()=default (defined in expr_t)expr_tvirtual